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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -83.2307 Michigan, United States

  • Steve M. Keck - 2012 Upgrades to 2013 Model

    When I bought my Samsung UN65ES8000 (65" 240 MHz TV) in the fall of 2012 at a great price, I purchased it with the full intent that I'd upgrade the UI at a point in the future. The 2012 Browser was unusable, the apps were painfully slow at times, and it wasn't the experience I believed a 21st century converged device was capable of.

  • Maddie B. - it get rid of acne in 5 days but it gave my face a bad rash, i will not be using this product

    The product works, it get rid of acne in 5 days but it gave my face a bad rash, i will not be using this product again