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  • Amazon Customer - Good shoe just wrong size.

    Ordered a size 40 got a 44 instead. Sent the shoes back Thursday (sept 15th 2016). Looking forward to the right size.

  • Emily - Great product if you actually read the directions!

    I had a rust stain in the bathtub, I let it sit for about an half an hour then I used hot water with the dark brown scrub, it came right out! Don't forget you need to maintain it by using 20% zap then fill the rest with water! I use it for everything!

  • Mario Vanden Berghe - Excellent value.

    This is just an incredible value. My son absolutely loves this bat, most of his team mates want to use it during game play. Make sure you get the right weigh and size for your player. Great price on amazon.com

  • christine gallagher - TRY THIS!

    This product turned out to be a very nice surprise. It not only dissolves away the hair on my lip, it also works for my eye brows. Sweet. My hair is light to medium in color, thickness, and coarseness.