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  • Steve Benson - The package showed up within the promised time frame. The envelope appeared to have been opened and resealed.

    The product has a lot reports that it is ineffective, but It works for me. I get a better metabolism,more energy.People say I look better and even have a better demeanor. I believe in the products but If I could find an equivilent product at a lower cost I would switch.

  • reader531 - Great inexpensive device!

    I bought a lot of these (over time) for my classroom to replace those CD players and just loaded the audiobooks onto them. (One or two per player). Kids know how to use them, no extra "bells and whistles" I didn't want!

  • SeraphimBooks - Don't buy this software

    Purchased the antivirus for two computers. Worst decision I have made regarding software. Completely destroyed one PC and brought the blue screen on windows 8. Wasn't able to log in and had to reformat to initial settings. Second PC had no internet connection even after I uninstalled the software. Played with internet settings for over 2 hrs until I restored.

  • Amazon Customer - Worked great on a cheap violin rebuild

    Worked great on a cheap violin rebuild. I'm no professional luthier, so the "better-ness" of traditional melted hide glues is lost on me. I don't expect or care if the violin I rebuilt is still going to be around in 200 years, I just want ease of use and my kid is happy with her custom violin and the glue was cheap and easy to use.

  • Daniel A. Garcia - Thanks a lot.

    My cats chewed on this cable and now they can both speak. One of them is gay and the other wants to kill me. I would have rather not known.

  • Kelly A. Garbato - Great for hardwood floors!

    I live with two dogs and a cat, all of which shed like mad. Before finding the Swiffer, I had to lug the vacuum around and use the extension to suck all the fur off of my hardwood floors - and that didn't even pick up most of the hair. Now, I use the Swiffer twice a week and my floors are hair-free. Granted, the pads tend to fill with hair quickly, and I end up going through two each time I clean the house. To extend their life, I pick large clumps of hair off the pad as I go and use both sides of each pad as well. They're also great for dusting (no cleaning solutions required), and sometimes I'll use the pads for light dusting and then clean the floors with them. The Swiffer is great for cleaning those hard-to-reach places, too - especially under the bed. I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 because it's not quite as good picking up dirt - it can tend to just push the dirt around. But overall, it's certainly better than using a broom!